Let’s Talk Coffee Peru 2025

September 2025

Let’s Talk Coffee is back, and it’s heading to Peru for its 20th edition. Watch this space for details!


Let’s Talk Coffee Peru 2025

Let’s Talk Coffee is a unique invitation-only event that brings together leaders from across the coffee supply chain to build strong, meaningful relationships. At Let’s Talk Coffee, we learn from each other, do business together and look ahead to our industry’s challenges and opportunities.

Immerse yourself in an origin location and cultural experience

    • Gain firsthand knowledge of coffee production at a unique origin event.
    • Reframe our industry’s conversations to include all participants and stakeholders.
    • Build lasting personal and professional. relationships with each link in the supply chain, founded on trust, transparency and shared experience.

Do Business Together

    • Receive a tailored schedule of one-on-one meetings (Roasters).
    • Using our cutting edge Tastify app, discover regional profiles that fit your needs.
    • Analyze your past coffee purchases and see what’s next.
    • One-on-one meetings forge direct business connections.

Address the industry’s greatest challenges and opportunities


    • Collaborate with the most significant thought leaders in coffee, development NGOs and banking
    • Radical transparency allows us to tackle controversial topics.
    • Discover new and cutting edge agricultural techniques.Hands-on activities allow participants to contribute to the conversation.

Watch our video

What do attendees have to say about the Let’s Talk Coffee Experience?

Mauricio Rivera, General Manager for Coocentral

“Seeing that it was possible for the producer to sit at the same table with the roaster, have a relationship, have a friendship and have shared knowledge—it was the fulfillment of a dream.  Throughout our lives that was almost forbidden.”

Phil Beattie, Director of Coffee for Dillanos Coffee Roasters

Nothing replaces spending a whole weekend doing tasting events and having meals and having really long-form, deep conversations with people. You get to know them. You get to know who they are as a person first.

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