About Let’s Talk Relationship Coffee

‘An Origin Experience’ in Melbourne

Let’s Talk Relationship Coffee will bring ‘An Origin Experience’ to Melbourne. More than 20 coffee producers from the Sustainable Harvest® supply chain will be in attendance, from countries such as Colombia, Guatemala, Brazil, and Honduras.

Every farmer in attendance is a Sustainable Harvest® MVP (Most Valuable Producer), meaning they’re delivering coffee that has both outstanding quality and an interesting story, whether it underwent an innovative post-harvest processing method or was grown on land transformed from commercial coffee to specialty coffee.

The farmers will share these stories at Let’s Talk Relationship Coffee, whether in short multimedia presentations onstage, at cuppings where participants can taste their coffee, or in informal gatherings throughout the three days.

What is LTC?

Organized by coffee importer Sustainable Harvest®, LTC is an annual supply chain gathering that for the last 12 years has brought together roasters, growers, and other stakeholders in the coffee supply chain for four days of sharing knowledge and building relationships in a relaxed setting.

Traditionally, LTC has taken place in a coffee-producing country—the setting has included Colombia, El Salvador, and Mexico. This year Sustainable Harvest® is bringing LTC to a primarily consuming market with Let’s Talk Relationship Coffee, and for the first installment, we chose the thriving specialty-coffee hotspot of Melbourne.



When and where? 

Let’s Talk Relationship Coffee will be held at the Melbourne Showgrounds in conjunction with the 2015 Melbourne International Coffee Expo. Let’s Talk Relationship Coffee will take place March 12-14, with a full day on the 12th followed by two half-days on the 13th and 14th. MICE will run March 13-15.

What to expect?

LTC is an experience like no other, with the global specialty-coffee industry coming together under one roof. Let’s Talk Relationship Coffee is particularly exciting because it’s our first event featuring Sustainable Harvest® MVPs and putting them in the spotlight to showcase their expertise.

In addition to forming important business relationships, roasters will likely also form lasting friendships at Let’s Talk Relationship Coffee. Check out the recent recap video above of LTC Panama, which took place in October 2014. While this provides a sense of the community and fun that one experiences at LTC, the event must be experienced to get the full effect!

 Why Australia?

In recent years, we have come to realize that Australia is one of the most sophisticated markets in the world for specialty coffee, with its incredible cafes and exquisitely roasted coffees. However, in talking to many Australian coffee professionals, we’ve observed a desire to connect more closely with origin and learn about transparent sourcing initiatives like our Relationship Coffee Model. It quickly became clear to us that Let’s Talk Relationship Coffee can have a profound impact on the exciting Australian specialty-coffee market.

Sustainable Harvest is proud to host the Let´s Talk Relationship Coffee platform and bring together the Relationship Coffee community around the globe